Thursday, September 17, 2009


We finished glazing in the corner window above the deck. The mullions and framing were cut from stock Douglas fir boards. Most of the glass was taken from left over samples that I have been collecting over the past few years at work. We have ordered colored recycled resin panels from Lightblocks that will eventually replace 6 of the glass panels shown here. These include blue, green and red panels and should be here in a month or so. We have been saving the exterior planks from the original house and will use these to clad the ceiling over the porch.
We began removing the south east corner of the house, including the window box I built 5 years ago. It turns out that the angle I chose for the roof here was off and we hope to correct this in the new renovation. The house is actually 18-20 degrees off of true south so this window was letting in more light during the spring and fall then we anticipated.
A temporary wall was built inside the house to separate the living space from the demo area. Our small house is a lot smaller now but it's livable. It's like living inside an art installation with really good light quality.

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