Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pouring the front porch

Tonight's low will be 45 degrees......we can pour concrete all night! We have the brick pavers for the porch and rented a concrete mixer. I didn't realize there was a difference between a concrete mixer and a cement mixer. A cement mixer (generally used for mixing mortar) cannot handle the large aggregate stone you would find in a concrete mix. The aggregate would damage the mixing screen that creates the buttery consistency that a brick mason needs. A concrete mixer (like the ones you see driving around on the highway) is basically a hollow can with fins and can handle the large aggregate that you would find in a concrete mix.

Tonight after work we poured the paver base for the front porch. Can't wait to set the door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making great progress Greg. Now why are you doing this in the middle of winter? I guess surfing takes priority in the warmer months.

Best to Pam and the Kidos.
