Saturday, February 7, 2009


The brick piers at the front porch will be finished with precast concrete caps. The forms are simple wood boxes with hardboard liners, 1/2" wire mesh and #4 rebar for reinforcing. The weather is warm enough to pour right now and the masons will need these in place to complete their work. A friend from work spent the day helping us with the forms and placing the concrete. We hope to have them both ready by next weekend. (Kevin, please note the water to mix ratio.)

We have insulation in the forms to take up space and reduce the weight. It turned out that the mix was not fluid enough to fill in the gaps so we removed the insulation and installed it after the forms were filled.
The collar ties were made from steel pipes and angles I recycled from a local scrap yard. The pipes are welded to angles cut at an 8 pitch to fit into our roof rafters. These will match the collar ties used in the first phase.

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