Tuesday, April 28, 2015


We used a neoprene gasket from Conservation Technology under the sill plate. This product was recommended based on past performance on other Passive House projects.  The under-sill area can be difficult to seal even when you don't have to pass a blower door test.
Glen came back to help us frame.  He wasn't surprised at any of the framing details although they don't call it 'Advanced Framing' anymore.  Builders are more than happy to reduce the number of boards they buy for a job.  Less lumber means less nails means less labor, time, etc.  I've always enjoyed watching him dissect a set of drawings.  He provides great feedback on the things I've drawn and how they are used to put the house together.
Oliver has grown up a little and this will be his first time as cut man.  Let's see if he can keep up!
The first wall goes up!

The boys helping Glen set the header over the bathroom window.

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