Sunday, May 3, 2009


We started the siding this weekend. Glen and the gang came back to help us and pointed out a few things I messed up while they were gone. I spent all Saturday evening tearing out and adjusting 2 of our little square windows because they were not working with the siding alignment. Glen had and interesting point; he said that with siding you should be more concerned with the appearance of straight lines than straight lines themselves, especially when with working with an old house. As you can see this window was not where it should have been and had to be moved.

I know it bugged the guys to have to install second hand cement siding. The boards were dirty and many of them had been chipped. I had to keep telling them that it was going to look great when we were done. With a little soapy water and some elbow grease these boards will be ready to paint in no time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing.

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