Sunday, May 3, 2009

We have decided on the Green Guard DC-14 product for our rain screen. After looking at several products that seemed appropriate we went with this one for two reasons: 1 - it was highly recommended by a builder in this area and 2 -I thought it would go up faster than a batten system. I've been hearing stories of horizontal lap siding not holding up as long as expected and paint that should have lasted for 10 years only lasting 2 or 3. Most of the finger pointing has been directed to poorly ventilated walls. The same way a shingle deteriorates faster on an unvented roof, paint can be "baked off" siding that is not able to breath.

This product actually has drain/vent channels on both sides of the panel to promote air flow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's a simple but good photo

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